måndag 8 oktober 2018


As far back as I can remember, I've alwayas loved movies. From the days when me and my big brother used to watch everything from Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, Scooby-Doo and Star Wars, to today when I've gone full movie nerd, I've always loved watching movies. There is a certain magic to them which I can't quite articulate, something that just draws me to the different worlds that movies can create.

I've thought of doing a blog where I write about movies in various ways for a long time now, and by the time I wrote this I guess I just said "Fuck it, let's create my own movie blog". I want to write about movies that I love, movies that I think are underrated or overrated, thoughts on the industry etc.

I'll try to write as frequently as I possibly can, but I must warn you, dear reader, that there may come long stretches of time where I'm not writing anything. It could be because I simply don't have any time, I haven't been able to write a good enough review, or I just simply don't care. Or it could be all three of them.

WARNING: This blog will contain potential spelling errors, bad language and very, very dark humor, so please read with caution!

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog, thank you!

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